Friday, November 2, 2007

James Spurgeon

I think that we would have to tittle this one "work hard and get good results!" This is James he is a student at the local college, studying sports medicine, the guy works hard in the gym where I attend. When I and a few friends seen this fella, we thought that he had a "look"about him as if he belonged in front of the camera, or perhaps in commercial. Maybe one day he will try to pick up some side gigs as a model for you know, Abercrombie, etc. He resembles those in shape guys in the ads with the hot!! super hot girls!! These are a few good shots of James we sort of chose to go up, Although he did say he would start some weight training with me! Wish me luck!


Charles said...

Corey, You nailed this one. The couch photo is great. It looks like it came right out of GQ or from Madison Avenue. You don't need to waste your money on a seminar. Great style, great posing, correct lighting and exposures all come together in this shot.

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